In addition to the
differences in color theory, the Four Archetypes of Suturian philosophy also
exhibit numerous conceptual differences, which I will explain now.
Concept of Void in all Four Archetypes
000 Ain = the undefined nothing
00 Ain
Soph = Void as imagined in Daath
0 Ain Soph
Aur = Void manifested and thus defined by creation. The creation into which creation was placed.
Suturian philosophy, Daath consist of All Ideas. Daath represents the superposition -- a combo
of all possible states.
Thus, the
concepts of Ain and Ain Soph Aur are contained within Daath as Ain Soph. Also, since Ain Soph Aur is contained within
Ain as a bubble of Void in which to put creation in order to keep it separate,
Daath is also contained within Ain Soph Aur which is contained within Ain.
The Ain
exists independently of Daath, but the concept of Ain exists only within Daath,
for it is unmanifest and cannot exist outside of the concept. Once Ain is conceptualized within Daath, it
is no longer Void undefined, but it becomes Ain Soph, Void as imagined in
Daath. The first idea in Daath. Void becomes Daath, which in turn defines
Void and makes it manifest as Ain Soph Aur.
The Void is within Daath, and Daath is within the Void. Neither concept exists without the
other. Furthermore, the Ain is within
the Ain Soph Aur, and the Ain Soph Aur is within Ain.
Paradox of God’s self-awareness is Zimzum.
creation, there was no concept of Void, and thus Void itself is no longer the
same once conceptualized. Ain, once
conceptualized, cannot truly exist outside of the conceptualization. Thus, I simply refer to Void as 0.
Concept of Daath in all Four Archetypes
familiar with the traditional Tree of Life will immediately notice the changes
that I have made to Daath.
Traditionally, the sphere of Daath is often not marked on the Tree of
Life at all, and if marked, Daath is located on the middle pillar, centered
between Chokmah, Binah, Chesed and Geburah.
Its number is either 11 or pi, dependent upon the system.
Daath is
often not even considered a true Sephirah, but simply the perception of a
Sephirah. “The concealment or revelation
of the Divine Light shining through Daath does not actually happen in Daath
itself. It only seems that way from the
human perspective within Malkuth.” 19
Thus, the
position of Daath is relative to the perceiver.
Poetically speaking, Daath is like a rainbow, “an optical effect which
depends on the location of the viewer.”20
On the
Suturian Tree of Life, Daath is not being perceived by humans in Malkuth. It is being perceived by gods in Yesod. Since the gods are holier than man is,
passing through Daath is not necessary for them to reach the Sephiroth of
Chokmah and Binah. It is, however,
required for the gods to pass through these spheres to reach the sphere of pure
Order. Thus, the position of Daath moves
up, so that the upper tree mirrors the lower tree, mirroring the position of
Yesod in relation to Malkuth. This is
because on the Suturian Tree of Life, Daath is equivalent to Yesod on the Tree
of Knowledge. (Only when perceived is
reality made manifest.) Once moved, I
changed Daath’s number from 11 to 1.1, so that it is in the correct numerical
sequence. My darling B.H. Young
suggested that perhaps this should actually be ϕ Phi 1.62, the golden ratio (See: for more on
Phi). It certainly is an interesting
idea. However, I also represent Daath as
∞ sometimes, since it contains all ideas, so for now I’ll leave Daath as
What is
represented by Daath 1.1 on the Suturian Tree of Life is Daath
Elyon/Hane’elam (“higher/hidden knowledge”). It is the bond between Chokmah, Binah, and
Kether and represents Paradox Consciousness.21 This aspect of Daath can be thought of
as noumenon (world of ideas, independent of senses, ideal form, Pure Daath).
Daath can
still be perceived in the traditional location, over the abyss, when perceived
by lesser beings. This aspect of Daath
is called Daath Tachton/Hamitpashet (“lower/extending
knowledge”) It represents the lowest
level of God Consciousness, which is the highest level attainable by mankind
without transcendence into godhood. (There is nothing that is above man’s
comprehension, since man is God. The
individual man simply cannot remember our godhood in our manhood guise.) This aspect of Daath can be thought of as
phenomenon (experienced by the senses, subjective form, Daath Perceived). On the Suturian Tree of Life, it is
represented by pi (π) and called the Ghost of Daath.
It is not colorless, like 0. Void, but rather, unperceived color.
speaking, 1.1 Daath and π. Ghost of Daath can be thought of as a double rainbow,
reflections of the same God ray reflecting twice inside one sphere. The lower rainbow shows +Red (-Cyan)
on the upper portion of the arc, and +Blue (-Yellow)
on the inner section. On the upper rainbow, the order of its colors are
reversed, with +Blue on the
upper portion of the arc and +Red on the
lower. Darkness lies between the double
rainbow (called Alexander’s band), and can be thought of as The Abyss. 6. Tiphareth can be thought of as
a supernumerary rainbow, multiple faint rainbows beneath the lower
rainbow, caused by constructive and destructive interference between varied
rays on different paths within the sphere.22 (This allegory sounds a lot like
the Bifröst Bridge, the rainbow that connects the realms of the
gods and humans.23)
A. The Tree of Life (Order within Order)
traditional Tree of Life separates man from God and illustrates a concept of
trickle down divinity, with potential to reverse one’s flow and reunite with
God. However, if one applies the concept
of Zimzum to the whole of existence, it becomes apparent that Paradox cannot be
separated from Its creation. Paradox
emanates from Its creation every bit as much as the creation emanates from
Paradox. The physical world is not a
fall from the Godhead, but is the actual Godhead. Other than perception, there is no separation
between Paradox and the gods, for the gods walk around in Paradox’s mind and
call it reality.
Only when
gods become man can one no longer see this, and the separation is so complete
that one believes it to be true and thus makes it so. How sad.
With this
co-emanation relationship between Paradox and Its creation in mind, the entire
flow of the Tree of Life changes from descending top to bottom to descending
and ascending simultaneously. Thus, 1.
Kether and 10. Malkuth are created synchronously, and one does not have
dominance over the other.
Thus, the
definition of 1. Kether and 10. Malkuth are redefined. 1. Kether becomes Order/Creation, and 10.
Malkuth becomes Chaos/Destruction.
redefining of Kether and Malkuth further changes the functionality of the
spheres. On the Suturian Tree of Life,
the concept of the entire traditional Tree of Life is now represented on the
middle pillar by: 1.1 Daath, π. Ghost of
Daath, 6. Tiphareth,
and 9. Yesod. The concept of potential that was once 1. Kether is now 1.1 Datth. The
concept of corporeal that was once 10. Malkuth moves upwards and is now
represented by 9. Yesod. All other
spheres/concepts from the traditional human concept of the Tree of Life are
contained within 6. Tiphareth. (Note: Tiphareth never changes color, regardless
of perception, though it does change position relative to perceiver, just like
Daath does. π. Ghost of
Daath is the backside of Tiphareth.)
B. The Tree of Knowledge (Chaos within Chaos)
The Tree
of Knowledge is the backside (or front side, dependent upon perspective) of the
Tree of Life. Whereas the Tree of Life
is colorized utilizing the Order Hemisphere color wheel, the Tree of Knowledge
is colorized utilizing the Chaos Hemisphere color wheel. Furthermore, the Tree
of Knowledge is flipped vertically.
As these
two trees are diametrically opposed, the functions of the spheres are that of
their complementary colored counterparts.
10. Malkuth/+Black on the Tree of Knowledge corresponds to 1. Kether/ +
White on the Tree of Life. Both are
positive and therefore both spheres are aspects of Order. What this means is that 10. Malkuth/+Black on
Tree of Knowledge doesn’t just correspond to 1. Kether/ + White on the Tree of
Life; 10. Malkuth/+Black on the Tree of Knowledge actually is 1. Kether/ +
White on the Tree of Life. They are not
two separate spheres, but rather flipsides of the same coin; two hemispheres
that function together as one.
Therefore, 10. Malkuth/+Black on the Tree of Knowledge is labeled as 10.
Malkuth, Kether as Destruction. This is
inversion of the spheres functionality progresses as follows:
Tree of
Tree of
+ White
+ Black
Sky Blue
9. Yesod
+ Blue
8. Hod
3. Binah
- Cyan
- Red
things are a bit different, in that 4-6 is where a magical Paradox
occurs. 5, of course is the point
wherein “evil” is made, the breaking of the Sephirah. Therefore, 4. does not switch places with
6. 6. is alternating down the middle
pillar. Thus:
π. Ghost
of Daath
No color
+ Green
- Green
π. Ghost
of Daath
No color
+ Red
3. Binah
+ Cyan
8. Hod
- Blue
9. Yesod
Sky Blue
- Black
- White
C. Qliphothic Tree of Life (QTOL)(Order
within Chaos)
D. Qliphothic Tree of Knowledge
(QTOK)(Chaos within Order)
Qliphothic Trees are extremely difficult to explore. Their very nature is misrepresentation, thus
they can be perceived in myriad ways, none of which are absolute. In every aspect, the Qliphothic Trees are
relative and fraught with contradictions.
Regardless, we’re going to delve into them and see what can be learned.
In the
sections on color theory and vision, I discussed how those in the hemisphere of
Order perceive the colors in the hemisphere of Chaos as the color’s
complementary color (i.e. red is perceived as cyan, etc.) and vice versa. Thus, the appearance of the Tree of Life and
the Tree of Knowledge are relative to the perceiver. This creates an alternate personality for
each tree that is generated by the perceiver (or even by the opposing Tree’s
self-awareness). These trees are not
trees themselves, but illusional trees, generated by perceptions and projections. Furthermore, these illusional trees are
falsehoods, misrepresentations of the trees.
These trees are lies, created by the limits of perception. In short, the Qliphothic trees are an
unmanifested perception that is ultimately untrue, thus the holiness is
One way to
visualize the Qliphothic Trees is to think of them as the shadows of the Tree
of Life and Tree of Knowledge. Shadow is
a misnomer. Think of the trees as
translucent, and thus the light passes through the trees. These shadows are more like the reverse
projection of a stained glass window onto the floor.
Qliphoth can drive one mad. Is it two
shadows perceived as four, or four shadows, perceived as two? Yes.
Is it upside down? Sometimes.
Depends on the perceiver. It can be
perceived as upside down when it is right side up, and vice-versa. Or not.
Is it mirror imaged? Sometimes.
Again, it depends on the perceiver. Are
the colors inverted? Always, if being
perceived. If not being perceived?
One is
still left asking, what is the Qliphoth?
Is it nothing more than a study in half-truths and lies, or does it
contain some necessary truth? No
absolutes can be found here; however, my answer is that the relative is
necessary to define the absolute.
the superposition 1.1 Daath is a combination of all possible states, the
Qliphoth is the combination of all remaining states lost or left behind (in 1.1
Daath) by the action of decoherence that creates 9. Yesod, the physical world.
The ideal
form is born in Daath as a superposition.
For the ideal form to exist and define itself, it must create an unideal
form. This unideal form is shed off by
the process of manifestation.
The ideal
form travels down into 6. Tiphareth, and then by the action of decoherence,
those leftovers of the superposition cannot proceed into 9. Yesod, so they
bounce backwards from 6. to 5., shattering 5.
These cast off ideas, or light particles, cling to the shattered shell
and fall into the bottom of Zimzum, the paradox, where they become seeds.
Qliphoth are the perceived, the results of perception, which causes
disentanglement, which is decoherence.
Without decoherence, there is no reality. Without the perceiver, there is no
perception. This decoherence that
creates the flawed alignment is the paradox that in turn causes manifestation
of reality. The Qliphoth are the seeds that create the maya illusion, this hell
dimension in which we humans are doomed to live, separated from the Godhead.
Qliphoth are the concepts of reality that live only in the Ain. They are the untaken choice that can never be
realized, unrealized potential that cannot manifest and exist outside of 1.1
Daath. (The Qliphoth, the never will be, is contained within 1.1 Daath by way
of π. Ghost of Daath and its flipside, 6. Tiphareth.)
as the Qliphoth is not allowed to be, thus it lives in nothing, in the void
inside Daath, in the space between atoms, in the echo sphere.
Qliphoth exist only in the Zimzum, only in the Paradox, but moreover, they are
the Paradox. Without the Qliphoth to
define the absolute, there would be no absolute. Thus, they are the seeds of everything that
ever was, is, or shall be.
A Dream
Within A Dream ~ A Tree Within A Tree
the concept of an entire Tree of Life contained within a single Sephirah, the
Tree of Life represents Order within Order, thus the entirety of the Suturian
Tree of Life can be thought of as simultaneously contained within 1. Kether on
the Tree of Life. Likewise, the entirety
of the Suturian Tree of Knowledge is represented within the redefined Malkuth
on the Tree of Life, as 10. Malkuth, which represents Chaos within Order.
the Tree of Life, when thinking of 1. Kether as the container of the Tree of
Life, the aspect of 1. Kether that is containing the Tree of Life is also 0.
Void, that out of which everything comes from.
the Tree of Knowledge that is contained with 10. Malkuth of the Tree of Life is
also represented as 0. Void on the Tree of Knowledge, from this perspective.
this, the concept of an entire Tree of Knowledge contained within a single
Sephirah, the Tree of Knowledge represents Chaos within Chaos, thus the
entirety of the Suturian Tree of Knowledge can be thought of as simultaneously
contained within 1. Kether on the Tree of Knowledge. Likewise, the entirety of the Suturian Tree
of Life is represented within the redefined Malkuth on the Tree of Knowledge,
as 10. Malkuth, which represents Order within Chaos.
the Tree of Knowledge, when thinking of 1. Kether as the container of the Tree
of Knowledge, the aspect of 1. Kether that is containing the Tree of Knowledge
is also 0. Void, that out of which everything comes from.
the Tree of Life that is contained with 10. Malkuth of the Tree of Knowledge is
also represented as 0. Void on the Tree of Life, from this perspective.
conclusion, the concept of 0.) Void is within the front side in Kether, yet
concealed within the mirror image in Malkuth.
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