How Kinder See
Perception Is In The Eye Of
The Beholder
All things
are made from the combined light of the suns, except the gods. The gods themselves are actually made only
from the light of their corresponding sun.
God punished only Kinder into being separate. All other things, flora, fauna, and
inanimate, are composed of the light from both suns, wherein both negative and
positive energies coexist. First, I
shall explain how the light from both suns works together in the perception of
such neutrally charged things, which are made up of both lights equally, the
full light spectrum, coexisting together.
Concept - Light Reflective Vision on Earth
When light
hits a subject, some photons are absorbed by the subject and some are reflected
by the subject.
understanding of the human eye utilizes a type of color perception called Light
Reflective Vision, where in the data received by the human eye is the light
that is reflected off the world around it.
That is, a Green leaf appears Green because it absorbs positive +Red & +Blue light, and reflects back
only Green light. That is, the
perception of the leaf being Green is
based on a subtractive color (not to be confused with subtractive light)
process splitting white light waves. The
Green leaf is not actually emitting Green
Concept - Vision on Eden of Everything But Kinder
in Eden, the plant is actually reflecting and absorbing two types of light, the
Positive (+) light of Ordearth, and the Negative (-) light of Koslovea. Therefore, there are two types of Light
Reflective Vision in Eden. The leaf is
composed of two (2) colors that, due to Relative Perception, function as four
(4) colors +Green / +Magenta and -Magenta / -Green.
The leaf
itself is neither positive nor negative.
It is neutral. Since Shatter see
as humans do, and humans see leaves as Green,
thus, to a Shatter, the leaf is also Green.
The Geist eye, like the Lovean eye, perceives the world in negative colors as
compared to Shatter Kinder. That is, a
leaf perceived by a Shatter as Green is
perceived by a Geist as Magenta. Thus, in the leaf’s
Absolute State, it is composed of +Green and –Magenta, which is equivalent to +Magenta and –Green in the
Relative State.
Looking at
the specs, it seems at first glance that everything would just cancel each
other out, but this is not what happens.
Instead, the Positive and Negative light replicates itself into 2
duplicates of self (through self-awareness), pairs up, and it marries each
other to create Spherical Standing Waves.
original beam of Positive White Order Light remains Order dominant, and the
replication bonds to Chaos. Of that
which remains Order dominant, 1 color is reflected to create the objects Light
Reflective color (the +Green) and two
colors are absorbed (the +Red & +Blue), to create the objects Absorbed Rays color (+Red & +Blue, which combine to be –Magenta) (see section on
Absorbed Rays for more information).
Order, through entropy, moves towards Chaos. That which bonded to Chaos functions as the
out-wave of Chaos Dominant Standing Waves (aka Order in Chaos)
counterbalance, the original beam of Negative White Chaos Light remains Chaos
dominant, and the replication bonds to Order.
Of that which remains Chaos dominant, one color is reflected to create
the objects Light Reflective color (the –Magenta) and two colors are absorbed ( the -Cyan & -Yellow), to create the
objects Absorbed Rays color (the -Cyan &-Yellow which combine to be +Green). Chaos, through
organization, moves towards Order. That
which bonded to Order functions as the in-wave of Order Dominant Standing Waves
(aka Chaos in Order). (for example: the -Cyan &-Yellow in-wave that is reflected in the creation of +Green, serving as ½ of the Spherical Standing Wave)
Example 1.) Positive Light Reflective Vision – Shatter Kinder
Perception of a Leaf
A +Green/–Magenta leaf appears +Green because
it absorbs +Red & +Blue out-waves, and reflects
back the +Green out-waves (Order in Order).
It also absorbs –Magenta in-waves, and reflects back the in-waves of -Cyan & -Yellow (-Cyan + -Yellow = +Green) (Chaos in Order). That
is, the perception of the leaf being +Green is based on a subtractive color process splitting +White & -White (replicated) light waves.
Example 2.) Negative Light Reflective Vision – Geist Kinder
Perception of a leaf
A –Magenta/+Green leaf appears –Magenta because it absorbs -Cyan & -Yellow in-waves, and reflects back
the –Magenta in-waves (Chaos in
Chaos). It also absorbs +Green out-waves, and reflects back +Red & +Blue out-waves (+Red & +Blue = –Magenta) (Order in Chaos). That
is, the perception of the leaf being –Magenta is based on a subtractive color process splitting -White & +White (replicated) light waves.
About Gori Suture
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