Monday, November 4, 2013

Vision & Perception ~ Vision on Eden

Non-Traditional Concept - Vision on Eden of Kinder (and other charged items)

Although Eden and the objects within are made of both positive and negative light, the Kinder themselves are pure positive or negative light.  Thus, when one Kinder is seeing another, Vision works differently.
Firstly, the Shatter Kinder and Geist Kinder see the world in opposite colors to one another.  Secondly, though these two races coexist in one place, since Shatter Kinder and Geist Kinder are charged positively and negatively (respectively), they therefore can barely interact with those made of the opposite type of light.
When viewing a Kinder of the opposite charge, what is visible is actually the disturbance of the two energies acting upon and reacting to one another.  Thus the Kinder are translucent to each other and are as ghosts to one another.  It’s sort of like throwing a rock into a pond.  What is seen is equivalent to the impression of the rock going into the water, with a touch more clarity.  This is called Interference Vision.
Furthermore, they are not solid to one another and are therefore not very tangible to one another.  Their touches can be felt, but it is like being touched by a ghost.
Only Divine Kinder looking through a forth eye or Divine Kinder of the class Omega can see both positive and negative light at once.  To Omega, Eden appears to strobe.

~ Note:  In Shatter Kinder, I wrote: “All that was perceived of one race by the other was the interference patterns of the opposing light types interacting with one another to produce an aura.”  This is a misuse of the word aura and is a mistake that I will one day correct in a future edition.  It should read simply: “All that was perceived of one race by the other was the interference patterns of the opposing light types interacting with one another.”

Here are the covers to Shatter Kinder and Geist Kinder manipulated to illustrate these concepts.


Since color gets complicated when not dealing with a Primary Color, let’s pretend that the Kinder in this scenario are Green.

Example 5.) A Shatter Kinder
A Shatter Kinder, being made of positive light, is therefore +Green.  However, this +Green is only Order in Order.  The Kinder appears +Green because it absorbs +Red & +Blue out-waves, and reflects back the +Green out-waves. (Order in Order)  There is no Chaos in Order.
That is, the perception of the Kinder being +Green is based on a subtractive color process splitting +White light waves.
The +Green Kinder absorbs +Red & +Blue out-waves, (Order in Order).  Because +Red & +Blue are the colors being absorbed, and +Red & +Blue combine to be –Magenta, the object absorbs so much positive light that it fills up and emits –Magenta in-waves.
What other Shatter Kinder sees is the +Green Shatter Kinder as +Green.
What Geist see is the +Green Shatter Kinder as +Magenta (+Green Relative) and also translucent, as what is being observed is actually the interference pattern.
What a Shatter Kinder using forth eye vision sees is the glow of -Green (-Magenta Relative) and also translucent, as what is being observed is actually the interference pattern.
What a Geist Kinder using forth eye vision sees is the –Magenta emanation.

Example 6.) A Geist Kinder
A Geist Kinder, being made of negative light, is therefore -Green.  However, this -Green is only Chaos in Chaos.  The Kinder appears -Green because it absorbs -Red & -Blue in-waves, and reflects back the -Green in-waves. (Chaos in Chaos)  There is no Order in Chaos.
That is, the perception of the Kinder being -Green is based on a subtractive color process splitting -White light waves.
The -Green Kinder absorbs -Red & -Blue in-waves, (Chaos in Chaos).  Because -Red & -Blue are the colors being absorbed, and -Red & -Blue combine to be +Magenta, the object absorbs so much negative light that it fills up and emits +Magenta out-waves.
What other Geist Kinder sees is the -Green Geist Kinder as -Green.
What Shatter see is the -Green Geist Kinder as -Magenta (-Green Relative) and also translucent, as what is being observed is actually the interference pattern.
What a Geist Kinder using forth eye vision sees is the glow of +Green (+Magenta Relative) and also translucent, as what is being observed is actually the interference pattern.
What a Shatter Kinder using forth eye vision sees is the +Magenta emanation.

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